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Chinese UK Study Company Limited


Fees - Letting Service        



    Our Letting Fee is £50 per person per renting property. Our Fees cover the services we provide like registering, viewing, signing contacts, etc. For details of our services, please refer to the our web page of Services -Letting :-




    We guarantee we would not charge our clients / tenants money until the Assured Shorthold Tenancy / Tenancy Agreement is signed. And we would provide free consultancy service to our clients throughout the tenancy period after we receive our Administration Fee.


    However, our Letting Fee £50 does not cover the fees required by the Landlord like deposits, utility bills, administration fees etc. But we will fully explain to you about the fees involve during the viewing of the property or before a Assured Shorthold Tenancy / Tenancy Agreement is signed.











    • Our Fees








                   -UK Homestay 

